These images were created using AutoCAD and Sketch UP for the 2D and 3D modeling. Textures and color was applied in SketchUP and rendered using a photorealistic SketchUp extension.
Central Core: Concierge, Pharmacy and Elevators

Central core services NSGL clinic and multiple stories of the building. The pharmacy is located across from the elevators for easy access to the rest of the building. Lounge areas throughout the core provide alternate waiting areas for clinic and for users of the stories above.
Administrative Offices: Plan View

Resolve workstations located near windows reinforce indirect-patient centered approach. Daylight access and beautiful architecture and finishes contributes to staff happiness. Alternate work areas give employees a break from the "cubicle." A small conference enclave is located close to workstations for staff convenience and to encourage collaboration.
Admin: V-ray Rendering from Sketch Up

3 dimensional view of admin created in Sketch Up and rendered using V-ray creates a photo-realistic view. Shows access to daylight and feel of the
non-traditional angles that make up the Resolve workstations and the provided storage for medical records. Plant life and color contribute to the indirect-patient centered design.
non-traditional angles that make up the Resolve workstations and the provided storage for medical records. Plant life and color contribute to the indirect-patient centered design.
Private Dental Operatories

Three private dental operatories provide an alternate care setting from the open feel of the semi-private rooms. Herman Miller's Compass is used on both walls for storage. A stretch of Compass is installed on the wall directly across from the operatories for hand-washing and extra storage. Private rooms are located near the sterilization and lab for efficiency.
Private Dental Operatory: V-Ray rendering from Sketch Up

Three zones within this room easily seen in this view. Wood wrap delineates guest and patient zones. Architecture references residential design to create a calm and intimate space. The staff zone is universal to accommodate different handedness and instrument delivery based on provider preference.